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Zaproszenie na seminarum pt. “Rule of Law in Times of War: Risks and Practical Implementation”, 26.06.2023

Serdecznie zapraszamy na pierwsze seminarium organizowane przez grupę badawczą "Rule of Law and the Future of European Democracy", która jest częścią Projektu Flagowego Future Democracy Lab na Uniwersytecie Jagiellońskim.

Seminarium odbędzie się w poniedziałek 26 czerwca w godz. 10-12.


Welcoming and Introduction

Prof. Monika Florczak-Wątor (Head of the Centre for Interdisciplinary Constitutional Studies of the Jagiellonian University, Leader of the Research Group “Rule of Law and the Future of European Democracy”, FDL)



Associate Professor Kristina Trykhlib (Yaroslav Mudryi National Law University in Kharkiv, Ukraine; member of the Research Group “Rule of Law and the Future of European Democracy” at the Jagiellonian University, FDL)



  1. Prof. Stanislav Shevchuk (National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, 10th Chairman of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine) – Human rights limitations in times of war (Ukrainian experience)
  2. Prof. William A. Schabas (Middlesex University London) – Independence and impartiality of the international judiciary
  3. Dr Kostiantyn Pilkov (Justice of the Supreme Court of Ukraine, Grand Chamber) – From the rule by law to the rule of law: evolution of application of basic legal principles in the Supreme Court jurisprudence
  4. Dr Alice Donald (Middlesex University London) – Defending the rule of law in the Council of Europe: the road from Reykjavik
  5. Prof. Angela Di Gregorio (University of Milan) – Constitution-building in the former Soviet Republics: competing models and recent evolutions



Closing Remarks 

Prof. Marta Soniewicka (Jagiellonian University, member of the Research Group “Rule of Law and the Future of European Democracy” at the Jagiellonian University, FDL)



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